In Greek myths the Phoenix

In Greek myths the phoenix is an eagle-like bird with golden and red feathers. The most striking qualities of the phoenix was unusual life and the ability to self-immolation, after rising from its ashes. There are several options for the myth of Phoenix. In the classic version of every 500 years old Phoenix arrives from India in the temple of the sun at Heliopolis, in Libya. Chief priest of fueling the fire of the holy vine, and the Phoenix cast into the fire. His wings are soaked in spices erupt, and it burns out quickly. Three days out of the ashes grew a new Phoenix, which, after thanking the priest for work done, returned to India.

In ancient Egypt was the same, similar to the heron, sacred bird Benn, who also revived after self-immolation.

Phoenix was the epitome of ancient human desire for immortality. Even in the ancient world phoenix were pictured on coins and stamps, in heraldry, and sculpture. The Christian world is firmly tied with the Phoenix surprising resurrection of Christ on the third day after the painful punishment. Phoenix has become a favorite symbol in poetry or prose.

What is the name of the bird in peter and the wolf

Walt Disney produced an animated version of Peter and the Wolf in 1946.

This version makes several changes to the original story, for example:

* During the character introduction, the pets are given names: "Sasha" the bird, "Sonia" the duck, and "Ivan" the cat

Identifying birds

Lay ornithological route - then go a certain distance (not necessarily straight) with an indication of all meetings of the birds on both sides of the direction of motion, with the obligatory compilation flow and the total time for the route. The route always has a beginning and an end. Make sure the route passed through a variety of forest associations, in which case you across many more species of birds. Or lay a few routes for different types of forests. In the woods convenient route lay along the narrow forest roads and vista. However, for the accuracy of calculations avoid opushek as on the edge of the number of birds is always significantly above average for this habitat. The route should take place with good weather in the morning, but when enough rassvelo for the visual definition of the birds. Making the scheme route, try to observe the scale. Arrows indicate, as you move along the route. The scheme of the route is not necessarily located on the same page notebook! Walking along the route the first time, to give particular emphasis to the description of habitat (forest association), noting in the chart border habitats and their numbers corresponding to the numbering in the text description of the route (see "How to describe the plot of forest community"). Houses draw a route chart on a sheet of paper large format in the future you will be transferred to it from the notebook are notes on the meetings of birds.

For better detection of binding sites of birds to the scheme to register the route must meet the birds only during the stops that make every 50 meters (can be measured pace). Places stops better than pre-mark with paint or affix a paper with the number of stops to the branches of bushes or trees (watch for the safety of your tags). The same label should apply to the scheme and route. From the point of, try to determine the distance between themselves and the birds on the line and from birds to a line perpendicular to the route. Contingent badges affixed to the scheme of all specimens found in the band, perpendicular to the line of delimitation of the route and is located along the motion. The size of the accounting strip - 100 m in both sides of the route, 50 meters along the route (see fig.). There are birds flying, and showing the direction of flight. After repeated passage of the route, the location of marks on the meetings of birds in the general scheme set out the place in which keeps a kind of bird that you can quickly find in the forest area required. In another way of scheme of accounting for each day you can draw on transparent film, and then lay the film on each other.

The above method is suitable for observation of the natural habitats of birds, for example in the forest. In the municipality does not have to make stops, it is better to apply the scheme to meet the birds, being in any place the route. In the locality are sometimes useful to reduce the discount to the band 20 - 30 m in both sides of the movement, as well as homes and buildings is a serious obstacle to the detection of birds at greater distances from the recorder.

For comparison between the block counts can be used measure of abundance (M) of birds.

M = m / Ld, where

m - number of recorded species of birds,
L - total length of routes (m)
d - total (in both sides of the route), the width of the accounting strip (m).

This indicator shows the number of birds of all species encountered in relation to the area in which they are found. Abundance index may change over calendar time, the sudden change in weather. In any case, when you calculate and compare indices of abundance of birds should be selected records from a similar length of routes and the band width of accounting.

Sometimes it is important to know how many birds of each species encountered per unit area (population density). To do this, there is a route accounting method relating to the determination of at what distance from the recorder detected specimen. The distance is determined approximately. Allowance is made at a constant slow motion of the route. As in the first case recorded birds detected in the lane, perpendicular to the line of delimitation of the route and is located only along the motion. In similar to the line route in order to clarify the species individuals, and other birds at this point are not counted. The width of the band is not limited to accounting, and is divided into several zones of detection: 1) close or up to 25 m from the line of route, 2) close or from 25 to 100 m 3) or far from 100 m to 300 m, 4) or very far from 300 m and beyond. Record number of birds by species in each zone of detection. Separately record the flying birds. According to the formula is calculated the number of animals species found in one square kilometer area of research (C).

K = (40b + 10n + 3d + och.d) / km, where

b - number of animals species found near;
n - number of animals species found near;
d - the number of animals species, found far;
och.d - the number of animals species found very far;
40, 10, 3 - factor denoting the number of times in which the maximum distance of detection in the zone of the group of birds is less than one kilometer (25 meters to 40 times less than kilometer, 100 meters, 10 times less than kilometer, 300 meters in 3.33-fold (approximately 3 ) fewer kilometers);
km - the length of the route in kilometers (for the flying birds, the length of the route is replaced by the total recording time in hours, multiplied by the average speed of flying birds (30 km / h), and the calculated density is summed with the density of «around» the birds by species).

To obtain more accurate data can be broken down lane to account more detection zones, for example, the zone from 0 to 10 meters (the multiplier is equal to 100), the zone of 10 to 20 meters (factor 50), from 20 to 50 meters (multiplier 20), and so on.

To use this technique requires some skill, as well as the accounting is done at a constant motion of the route, not only when placed in certain locations. It is important not to take account of the same bird more than once. For more accurate results of the length of the route should be the maximum. Recommended length of Route 4 - 5 kilometers. For professional ornithologists, it is 15 - 20 km.

Toucan Birds

• Believe it or not, the Toucan bird has been flying around the Central and South American rainforests for a lot longer than any cereal company.

• Toucans are one of the noisiest jungle birds, with a croak like a frog that can be heard for half a mile!

• The colorful beak of the Toucan is very light! It is made mostly of keratin (like your fingernails), supported with thin rods of bone.

• The Toucan is smart, friendly and cute, and eats fruit, nuts, and berries just like everyone else. In real life, Toucans hate sugary cereal and avoid it like the plague. You probably should, too.

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